Tribes and Armies to be Released Nov. 6th

Just a quick note to say that Tribes and Armies is finally going to see the light of day.  Accordingly, we’ve updated the product page, and you can read more about the particulars there.

This book has been in the pipeline since November of 2016, but now it’s done, done, done.  After all this time I can’t be happier to get it out there.

Per usual, Tribes and Armies will be available electronically at DriveThruRPG.

Tribes and Armies Update

Now that we’ve completed the website move, I can refocus attention on the release of Tribes and Armies.

Currently, I’m projecting a release sometime in October early November.  The Tribes half of the book is already through layout, while the Armies portion is written and only awaiting example battle diagrams.  Once these are satisfactorily completed, I’ll be able to pin down an exact release date.

Ilū ayyūtumma ša tapallaḫu liballiṭūka.